Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Council Produces First Stand Alone Town Plan For Shannon

The first stand alone town plan that has been produced for Shannon has been placed on public display by Clare County Council.

The Draft Shannon Town and Environs Local Area Plan 2012-2018 includes Shannon town, the airport lands and the free zone and adjoining business parks. To date, Shannon has been part of the South Clare Local Area Plan and dealt with alongside all the other towns and villages in this area.

Councillor Gerry Flynn, Shannon Electoral Area Chair said the Draft Shannon Town and Environs Local Area Plan provides the statutory framework to enable a focus on all of Shannon’s assets, including the town, the airport, the free zone and the estuary.

“It is a very comprehensive document dealing with a wide range of issues that will influence the future growth and development of Shannon”, he continued. “I believe that the preparation of this Plan is a very positive development and I would encourage people to engage fully with this process and to make submissions. There are probably a few things in the Draft Plan that the majority of the councillors for the area would like perhaps to see changed but the councillors will have an opportunity to do that if they wish later in the process having listened to the views of people”.

Senior Planner Gordon Daly explained that the principal aim of the plan is to consolidate all previous plans for the town and environs, including the town centre masterplan in 2009, into one strong forward looking document that builds on the objectives for Shannon outlined in the Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017. 

Mr., Daly added: “We respect what is really most critical is implementation but its important to firstly get one very clear and focused town plan in place for all of Shannon.  This can also be used to provide a platform to market the many assets of Shannon including as an attractive place to live as demonstrated by the many vibrant community and sporting groups in the town.  We are particularly hopeful that these groups will engage with the process, we really want to hear their views and those of the wider public.”

The Council plans to hold a number of public information sessions during January 2012, which will enable members of the public and local community group representatives to engage with Council officials.

According to Mr. Daly: “The dates and venues for these sessions will be announced in due course and the Council would encourage people to avail of the opportunity to be involved in the process of developing a robust and comprehensive local area plan for Shannon Town and Environs.”

The Draft Local Area Plan, and associated SEA Environmental Report and Habitats Directive Assessment are available on the Council’s website www.clarecoco.ie. The Draft Plan can also be viewed during normal working opening hours from Monday to Friday within the period from Monday 12th December, 2011 to Wednesday 1st February, 2012 (inclusive) at the following locations:

•    Shannon Town Council, Town Hall, Shannon;
•    Clare County Council Offices, Planning, Land Use & Transportation, New Road, Ennis;
•    Sean Lemass Library, Shannon; and
•    De Valera Library, Ennis and Local Study Centre, Harmony Row, Ennis.

A copy of the Draft Local Area Plan may also be purchased at the offices of Clare County Council and area offices of Shannon at a cost of €25.00 (hard copy) or €10.00 (CD).

Written submissions and observations (two copies) with respect to the Draft Local Area Plan and/or its accompanying SEA and HDA may be made to the Forward Planning Unit. Planning Department, Clare County Council, Áras Contae an Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare or by e-mail to forwardplan@clarecoco.ie (max. document size by e-mail: 4MB) or may be faxed to 065-6892071 on or before 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 1st February, 2012.


Shannon is located on the Limerick/Shannon/Ennis/Galway Atlantic Corridor and is also part of the Gateway with Limerick, as designated in the 2002 National Spatial Strategy.

The Clare County Development Plan 2011-2017 acknowledges the importance of Shannon as Clare’s second largest town, with an international airport, a significant employment base and other competitive advantages including its accessibility and location adjacent to the Shannon Estuary. As the parent policy document, the County Development Plan highlights a number of important objectives for Shannon including the growth of Shannon town centre, the development and expansion of the Airport and continued economic development within the Free Zone and adjacent industrial parks.

The County Development Plan also includes a specific objective to prepare a local area plan for Shannon Town and Environs. The new Draft Plan secures that objective and builds on the County Development Plan by providing more specific objectives on the above issues. In addition, it includes a Place Making Framework for Shannon town and outlines a cycling and walking strategy for the area that aims to encourage a shift away from use of the private car by providing safe and convenient alternative transport options.