Tuesday, November 23, 2010

County Development Board Marks Tenth Anniversary

The Clare County Development Board’s (CDB) 10th anniversary was celebrated at a function in Aras Contae an Chláir, Ennis, on Monday (22 November 2010).

The event was marked with the announcement by CDB Cathaoirleach Cllr. Joe Arkins of the completion of a number of key strategies for the future development of County Clare for the period 2010 to 2012.  The strategies relate to tourism, energy, enterprise, environment, rural development and social inclusion.

Speaking last evening CDB Cathaoirleach Cllr. Joe Arkins said: “I am delighted to mark the 10th anniversary with the completion of a number of strategies by the Clare CDB.  In doing so I wish to acknowledge the partnership approach of the Board and the work of the steering committees and lead agencies in completing the strategies.  I also want to acknowledge that the partnership approach that has been nurtured underlines the Board’s commitment to the development and implementation of the strategies.

Cllr. Arkins added: “Clare CDB is continuing to support actions that work to ensure that the vision for the kind of Clare we would all like to live in by 2012 will be achieved.  They include the Ennis Regional Learning Centre and the Clare Wood Energy Project, as well as projects that support improved cohesion and social inclusion.”

“The focus now is to deliver on the actions in the strategies in order to make a tangible difference over the next few years.  I look forward to continued partnership and co-operation in the coming years to ensure that our commitments in these strategies are met”, concluded the Cathaoirleach.

The CDB last month launched the 2010 – 2012 Social Inclusion Strategy for County Clare, which has initially focused on a number of target groups, namely Carers, Ex-Prisoners and  Offenders, LGBT (Lesbian & Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) People, Lone Parents, Low Income Farm Households and People with Disabilities.

Clare CDB was established in 2000 as a statutory partnership, between Local Government, the State Sector, Local Development Organisations, Social Partners and the Community & Voluntary Sector. The Board’s first Cathaoirleach was Councillor Sean Hillery from Shannon.