That is according to Junior Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Tony Killeen, T.D., who was speaking following the appointment of a Committee to lead the process and has also established a web-based public consultation process. The 2020 Strategy Committee, chaired by Dr Sean Brady, is broadly based and possesses a wide range of skills and experience. It is drawn from senior experts and participants in all aspects of the sector.
According to Minister of State Killeen: “The Committee has been tasked with drafting a short, sharp document which sets out the key strategies required for the future development of the sector. I believe that the very high calibre of the committee members will ensure that the output from this exercise will be both bold and practical and will set a clear path forward for the sector. The Committee has been asked to report by June 1st next”.
The Clare Fianna Fail T.D. noted that the agri-food, forestry and fisheries sectors were hugely important to the Irish economy and society as a source of jobs, exports and regional development. He expressed his belief that the sector could contribute significantly to Ireland’s economic recovery and provide long-term growth into the future.
Minister of State Killeen said that in order to facilitate and target consideration of key issues, a series of discussion and background papers had been prepared.
He continued: “These papers, which may be viewed on the Department website, outline the current situation and challenges facing the sector but equally importantly, pose a series of questions, the answers to which will form the core of our future strategy. Relevant stakeholders are invited to submit their views on how best to deal with some of the critical issues arising from these discussion papers”.
Details on how to make submissions are given HERE.