The Lámha Suas Education Resource Packs provide a primary school curriculum support framework in the subject areas of History, Geography, SPHE (Social, Personal & Health Education) and Irish through illustrated worksheets and teacher friendly notes. Developed by the Comhar Conradh na Boirne cooperative society and the internationally renowned Burren Centre in Kilfenora - one of Europe’s first interpretative centres - the initiative represents a landmark departure for Irish heritage centres. By bringing the resources of the Burren into classrooms across the country, the Burren Centre has become the first centre of its kind in Ireland to develop integrated primary school curricula orientated education packs.
Launching the initiative, Minister O’Keeffe stated: “This outreach project is an ideal model of an Irish heritage venue working with teachers and schools to create awareness of the correlation between their resources and the curriculum. More than 50% of primary school children visit cultural heritage venues for the first time in school parties, and the Burren Centre with its tailored packs has the foundation for making an impression with pupils, as well as part of a life long learning experience.”
Among the features of the Lámha Suas Education packs is a Brehon Court of Law worksheet and a detailed guide to the Burren region and the Burren Centre. The packs, which feature optional pre-and post tour material, form part of an integrated SESE project and can also teach the pupil to work as an historian or geographer. They are presented in teacher and pupil-friendly Geography, History, SPHE and Gaeilge subject packs and are also available online. The Lámha Suas Education Resource Packs were produced by Boru Cultural Enterprises, following extensive and comprehensive market research of 500 schools in the Shannon Region (North Tipperary, Clare, Limerick and South Offaly) as to the actual student and teacher needs with regard to Burren visits.
According to Daniel McCarthy of Boru Cultural Enterprises: “Visiting schools can also avail of the newly developed Burren Centre touring exhibition, entitled ‘The Burren – A Living Landscape’, which will have been viewed by over a million people across North America by the end of 2009. Schools who book through the Burren Centre can have this touring exhibition mounted within the classroom pre-tour or post–tour. The Burren Centre can also organise day packages in the Burren, incorporating attractions and activities in the area at a school’s request”.
For more on The Burren Centre Lámha Suas Education Resource Packs visit, call 065-7088030 or email
Launching the initiative, Minister O’Keeffe stated: “This outreach project is an ideal model of an Irish heritage venue working with teachers and schools to create awareness of the correlation between their resources and the curriculum. More than 50% of primary school children visit cultural heritage venues for the first time in school parties, and the Burren Centre with its tailored packs has the foundation for making an impression with pupils, as well as part of a life long learning experience.”
Among the features of the Lámha Suas Education packs is a Brehon Court of Law worksheet and a detailed guide to the Burren region and the Burren Centre. The packs, which feature optional pre-and post tour material, form part of an integrated SESE project and can also teach the pupil to work as an historian or geographer. They are presented in teacher and pupil-friendly Geography, History, SPHE and Gaeilge subject packs and are also available online. The Lámha Suas Education Resource Packs were produced by Boru Cultural Enterprises, following extensive and comprehensive market research of 500 schools in the Shannon Region (North Tipperary, Clare, Limerick and South Offaly) as to the actual student and teacher needs with regard to Burren visits.
According to Daniel McCarthy of Boru Cultural Enterprises: “Visiting schools can also avail of the newly developed Burren Centre touring exhibition, entitled ‘The Burren – A Living Landscape’, which will have been viewed by over a million people across North America by the end of 2009. Schools who book through the Burren Centre can have this touring exhibition mounted within the classroom pre-tour or post–tour. The Burren Centre can also organise day packages in the Burren, incorporating attractions and activities in the area at a school’s request”.
For more on The Burren Centre Lámha Suas Education Resource Packs visit, call 065-7088030 or email