Monday, April 08, 2013

Local community members honoured at Castleconnell ceremony

Members of the Caherconlish Millennium Centre, a rower from Ballybrickane and a community activist from Caherconlish have been honoured at a Civic Recognition ceremony hosted by the Castleconnell Electoral Area Committee of Limerick County Council.

The annual ceremony at Limerick County Hall recognised members of the local community whom the Committee considered to have contributed towards the betterment of the area.

Committee Chairperson, Cllr. Eddie Wade told those in attendance at the ceremony: “My colleagues at Limerick County Council and I are delighted to be able to express our admiration and respect, and to honour you on your achievements and your public spirit. Very often, we do not appreciate the efforts made by volunteers on our behalf. It is often too easy to turn a blind eye and excuse ourselves from volunteering, perhaps because of our own busy schedules, yet our lives have been enriched by people such as yourselves who go that extra mile, give of themselves that little bit more.”

Shane Ryan from Ballybrickane, Limerick and the youngest recipient this year, began rowing in 2007 and has enjoyed success as an individual, winning gold in 2010′s LTA Open World Indoor Rowing Championship. As part of the Irish team, he secured fifth Place in the 2010 World Championships in New Zealand and fifth-place at Slovenia’s 2011 World Rowing Championships meant that they became the first Irish boat crew to compete at a Paralympics.  Shane was the youngest member of the LTA mixed-four crew which took part in the Paralympics at London 2012. 

John Flavin from Caherconlish was honoured for working tirelessly on behalf of the community and was praised by Committee members for doing a “tremendous job in keeping Caherconlish clean and tidy”.

The Committee of the Caherconlish Millennium Centre was praised for bringing “a sense of community to a new level”, through their contribution to developing and managing the community facility, which acts as a sports hall for soccer, basketball, badminton, volleyball and underage hurling.  Additionally, the Centre is used for children’s parties and other social events. Many of the Councillors present regaled the audience with stories of their attendances at various functions in the hall.

Cllr Wade in making the presentations stated: “It gives me great pleasure to be able to stand here today and acknowledge the parts you have played. There is an old Irish saying “Molann an Obair an Fear” – The work praises the man, and indeed it does.”