Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Killeen Welcomes Transfer Of Foreshore Licensing Functions

Fisheries Minister and Clare T.D. Tony Killeen has welcomed the publication of the Foreshore and Dumping at Sea (Amendment) Bill 2009, which will give effect to the transfer of all Foreshore licensing functions not associated with aquaculture and sea-fishing, from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

The State’s Foreshore stretches from the High Water Mark seawards for 12 nautical miles and foreshore consents are issued under the Foreshore Acts 1933-2005.

Minister of State Killeen said he expected that the legislation would commence its passage through the Oireachtas later this month.

He added: “Following enactment of this legislation, responsibility for Foreshore consents in respect of commercial projects on the Foreshore including, marinas, harbour and port developments and all energy related developments will become the responsibility of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.”

Minister of State Killeen noted that the Bill was major step towards the development of a modern planning and development framework for the State’s Foreshore.

“This Bill will align licensing of major commercial offshore development projects with the core functions of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, which already has responsibility for planning issues”, he concluded.