Monday, February 02, 2009

Minister Killeen Officially Opens Holy Family Childcare Centre

Minister of State Tony Killeen T.D. today officially opened the Holy Family Childcare Centre in Ennis, County Clare.

The new childcare facility will meet the needs of parents in Ennis and its environs by providing 67 childcare places on a pre-school, and after school basis, over the working day. Speaking at the opening ceremony, Minister Killeen said, “The commitment of the Holy Family Childcare Centre to high quality childcare is very well established and has been recognised in the substantial grant assistance (EUR369,440) approved for this facility under the Government Childcare Programmes."

He added that recent developments concerning the provision of childcare places in Clare reflected the positive impact Government spending and support was having in the County. The Clare T.D. explained, “I am delighted to see how this funding has contributed to the development of a fully integrated childcare service for children in this area. Under the National Childcare Investment Programme and its predecessor Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme, over EUR26m has been allocated to childcare services in Clare. The impact of this in terms of increasing quality supply has been impressive, with almost 1,630 new childcare places created and a further 1,200 places supported. The Government’s efforts to create quality and affordable childcare is achieving great success and the developments here in Clare are being mirrored all over the country.”

According to Minister Killeen, “When these investments are taken into account with the increase in the Early Childcare Supplement, now worth EUR1,100 per year per child under five and a half, and the increased Child Benefit payments, no one can doubt that the Government is giving the issue of childcare the priority it deserves. There are many private providers throughout County Clare who have developed top class childcare facilities and are providing childcare in a very professional manner. I would like to pay tribute to them and acknowledge the major contribution they have made to the development of quality childcare here in Clare.”

Commenting on the service being provided by Holy Family Community Childcare Centre Ltd, Minister Killeen stated, “Central to the development of childcare in Ireland has been an amazing commitment by a large number of people. Throughout the country, people such as those involved in the development of Holy Family Community Childcare Centre Ltd. have come together to develop and operate services which are proving to be a great resource for local people and communities.”

“The childcare service will be provided in a professional and caring manner, providing a warm and welcoming environment for children and parents alike. In addition, this new facility will help ensure that children can develop emotionally, socially, intellectually and physically through play. I wish all those involved in this service every success and in particular I congratulate the members of The Holy Family Childcare Centre for their sterling efforts to provide quality childcare in the local community,” he concluded.