Friday, February 13, 2009

Killaloe Coast Guard Volunteers To March In New York Parade

Minister of State and Clare T.D. Tony Killeen today congratulated the Killaloe Coast Guard Unit on being appointed the first ever Coast Guard representatives to march in a New York St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

The volunteers have been invited to march in New York, at the invitation of the US Coast Guard. Meanwhile, Minister of State Noel Ahern TD this week presented Irish, US and Irish Coast Guard marching flags to a delegation of the East Clare unit. “This is a very prestigious honour for Killaloe Coast Guard Unit’s 26 volunteers who have provided an invaluable service to the public since it was established as Ireland’s first Inland Coast Guard Unit,” stated Minister Killeen.

He continued, “These volunteers, who are all fully qualified in Water Rescue, Land Search & Rescue, First Aid Response and Mountain Rescue, fully deserve the honour as they give freely of their valuable time and effort to local community and those in peril on Lough Derg and the River Shannon. I wish them the best of luck and know that they will represent County Clare and the wider region with pride next month.”

Killaloe Coast Guard Unit is just one of 55 Coast Guard Units in the Republic of Ireland crewed by a total of 1,000 male and female volunteers. All Units are operated totally by local crews. Training is provided for the volunteers, and these are available on-call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The equipment available to the Killaloe unit includes two emergency response vehicles, communication trailer and two Rescue boats, one on the water at all times and the second ready to respond on trailer to the inland rivers and lakes.