Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tánaiste To Meet With Mid-West Mayors

The fallout from Dell’s decision to axe 1900 jobs at its Limerick manufacturing facility will be discussed at a meeting between the Minister of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and the Mayors of the four main local authorities in the Mid-West region later today.

Tánaiste Mary Coughlan is scheduled to meet with the Mayors of Limerick City and County, Clare and North Tipperary in Limerick at 5pm.

Mayor of Clare Councillor Madeleine Taylor Quinn said she welcomed the Minister’s decision to travel to Limerick to discuss the regional implications of Dell’s devastating jobs announcement. She stated, “I will be calling on the Minister to immediately set about identifying a replacement industry that will help act as a source of employment for workers affected by this announcement. Furthermore, I will be requesting that the Government and relevant agencies put the necessary supports in place to ensure that existing business and potential start up companies are encouraged to invest in the region.”

“My primary concern is for the hundreds of Dell employees from County Clare who have been affected by this decision. Furthermore, hundreds of additional jobs in supply and packing companies throughout the County, particularly in South East Clare, are threatened by Dell’s decision to move its manufacturing operation to Poland. I would ask the Minister to consider including a representative of the Clare County Development Board on any Government taskforce established to deal with this matter”, explained the Mayor.

Cathaoirleach of Limerick County Council, Councillor John Gallahue described the Dell announcement as one of the gravest challenges ever faced by the Midwest economy. He added, “The competitiveness of the local economy has been seriously undermined by this announcement. I will be asking the Tánaiste to give priority to the Mid-West by concentrating Government efforts to restore confidence among business leaders in the region. In addition, it is important that potential investors are encouraged to continue to set up business in the Mid-West. Limerick County Council supports the establishment of a concerted and collaborative effort to ensure that the competitiveness of other businesses and the wider region is not damaged by the recent announcement.”