Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Water Conservation Laws Introduced

Minister of State Tony Killeen T.D. has reminded businesses operators and landowners across County Clare that new regulations providing for the conservation of water are now in effect.

Section 56 of the Water Services Act 2007 applies in situations where leakage occurs due to unrepaired pipes or equipment or where poor management results in wastage or excessive consumption of water. The new regulations also apply where shortages of water, for example due to drought conditions, necessitate actions to conserve water supplies.

Commenting on the implementation of the new regulations, Minister Killeen said, “Authorised persons, on behalf of Clare Local Authorities, may issue notices, which may be appealed, and emergency notices, which may not be appealed, specifying that corrective action be taken to prevent wastage or excessive consumption of water.” He continued, “Although normally intended to deal with specific problems in individual premises, the notices may also be issued to classes of owners or occupiers, such as particular trades or businesses as considered necessary. For example, schools closing for summer holidays may be requested to ensure that automatic flushing mechanisms for toilets be turned off.”

The Minister noted that provision is also included for the community-wide application of water restrictions in times of water shortages. “Where a water services authority is of the opinion that serious water shortages are imminent, it may make an order prohibiting or restricting the use of water supplies for watering gardens, recreational parks or sports grounds, washing cars and trailers, filling or replenishing swimming pools, ponds and lakes and irrigating or spraying crops,” he concluded.

Under Section 56, it will be an offence to contravene an order prohibiting or restricting water use and provision is made for penalties, including on-the-spot fines, for non-compliance with any order in force.