Monday, March 30, 2009

Mayor Describes Return Of Heathrow Service As A Shot In The Arm For The West Of Ireland

The Mayor of Clare has described the recommencement of services between Shannon and London Heathrow as a “shot in the arm” for the West of Ireland economy.

Councillor Madeleine Taylor Quinn said the restoration of direct access to one of the world’s most strategically important airports would restore confidence among multinationals based along the western seaboard.

“The international connectivity that this region can once again benefit from will have significant consequences for the future operations of companies throughout the Region,” explained the Mayor. She continued, “Furthermore, it will encourage potential investors and foreign multinationals to relocate here. The return of the Heathrow service comes at a time when the economy needs every support available to retain its competitiveness.”

Mayor Taylor Quinn noted that tourism would benefit also from the restored service. She added that Aer Lingus would now have a challenge to regain and restore the confidence of its previous customer base.

“It must be recognised that a lot of damage has been done to the tourism and business community in Clare and the wider region since the withdrawal of the Shannon to Heathrow service last year. Shannon's rightful slots into Heathrow were wrongfully withdrawn in a cavalier and reckless fashion without any consideration of the fallout for the region,” stated Councillor Taylor Quinn. “As Mayor of Clare I wish Aer Lingus success with its partially restored service. However, I am requesting the airline and the Minister for Transport to restore all three flights in the immediate future,” she commented.

“I particularly wish to compliment the management of Shannon Airport for their determination in pursuing this issue with Aer Lingus and arriving at an attractive arrangement for the airline. Equally the Aer Lingus staff at Shannon must be praised for their co-operation on rationalisation, which undoubtedly was a factor in the airline reaching its decision to restore services,” concluded the Mayor.

Mayor Describes Return Of Heathrow Service As A Shot In The Arm For The West Of Ireland

The Mayor of Clare has described the recommencement of services between Shannon and London Heathrow as a “shot in the arm” for the West of Ireland economy.

Councillor Madeleine Taylor Quinn said the restoration of direct access to one of the world’s most strategically important airports would restore confidence among multinationals based along the western seaboard.

“The international connectivity that this region can once again benefit from will have significant consequences for the future operations of companies throughout the Region,” explained the Mayor. She continued, “Furthermore, it will encourage potential investors and foreign multinationals to relocate here. The return of the Heathrow service comes at a time when the economy needs every support available to retain its competitiveness.”

Mayor Taylor Quinn noted that tourism would benefit also from the restored service. She added that Aer Lingus would now have a challenge to regain and restore the confidence of its previous customer base.

“It must be recognised that a lot of damage has been done to the tourism and business community in Clare and the wider region since the withdrawal of the Shannon to Heathrow service last year. Shannon's rightful slots into Heathrow were wrongfully withdrawn in a cavalier and reckless fashion without any consideration of the fallout for the region,” stated Councillor Taylor Quinn. “As Mayor of Clare I wish Aer Lingus success with its partially restored service. However, I am requesting the airline and the Minister for Transport to restore all three flights in the immediate future,” she commented.

“I particularly wish to compliment the management of Shannon Airport for their determination in pursuing this issue with Aer Lingus and arriving at an attractive arrangement for the airline. Equally the Aer Lingus staff at Shannon must be praised for their co-operation on rationalisation, which undoubtedly was a factor in the airline reaching its decision to restore services,” concluded the Mayor.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Minister Killeen Welcomes Resumption Of Shannon To Heathrow Flights

Minister of State and Clare T.D. Tony Killeen has welcomed this weekend’s scheduled resumption of flights between Shannon Airport and London Heathrow.

Minister Killeen said that Aer Lingus’ decision to reinstate the service was commercially based, just as the original decision to end the service had been. “Aer Lingus’ move to reinstate flights between Shannon and Heathrow bears out exactly what I said in August 2007 when the airline announced it was withdrawing the service; it was a commercial decision by the airline to remove the service. The commercial reality in the meantime has changed dramatically, however,” stated the Minister.

He continued, “The dramatic reduction in the cost base at Shannon Airport has played a significant role in the return of the Heathrow service and vital international connectivity.” Minister Killeen noted that the restoration of the service would help Shannon Airport to expand its operations in the coming months. He added, “Coupled with the advent of Open Skies, Shannon Airport has successfully weathered the huge economic downturn and its corresponding impact on the aviation sector. The airport is well placed to prosper and expand when the economy eventually and inevitably rebounds.”

“I also wish to compliment the Shannon Airport Authority, staff at Shannon Airport and the people of the West of Ireland for their steadfast commitment to seeking the reinstatement of this vital service. I wish Aer Lingus every success with the new service,” commented Minister Killeen. Meanwhile, Minister Killeen acknowledged the importance that the Government attached to the resumption of the twice-daily service. He explained that such support from the Government was of paramount importance, on foot of its responsibility for balanced regional development.